Friday, January 27, 2006

SHE Magazine


MY TYPICAL DAY; Alarm goes off at 4:30 and I'm in the newsroom by 5:30. I read news for 3 hours before arriving at The Rock for 10am. I spend 5 hours on air, mostly loving 12 – 1 which is requests, listeners choose the best stuff!

PERFECT DAY PLAN; A day off! I work 6 days a week, often 7, so a sleep in, go to the beach with Minnie (my puppy) then a good prowl around Real Groovy (my favourite shop).

ENTERTAINMENT ESSENTIALS; Friends & live gigs. Though it's a shame we don’t get more international bands. Bon Jovi, Live &, Pearl Jam have all side-stepped NZ recently. It's what I miss most about living in London.

CURRENTLY LISTENING TO; The Rock of course - they play all my favourites from Nirvana to Bon Jovi.

SIGNATURE DISH; Mexican is my specialty, but lately I'm getting into baking; cheese scones, apple boyfriend will gain 20 pounds!

FRIDGE FUNDAMENTALS; Always cheese – my biggest weakness. White wine, Vogels and smoked salmon.

STRESS-BUSTING SECRET; Tele, though nothing too intellectual. I love The Apprentice, Amp'd (C4) and Rockstar!

MY INSPIRATION; My Grandma. She's 80, yet maintains a beautiful garden & house, which is always filled with friends, family and home baking. She’s the most selfless person ever.

ULTIMATE INDULGENCE; A massage from Pampered On Location. They come to you and you don’t have to battle traffic home!

FAVOURITE FASHION ITEM; My Louis Vuitton handbag. It cost a fortnights pay and was worth every cent.

FITNESS REGIME; I walk Minnie each day - crank the i-Pod and off we stroll, never break a sweat though!.

DREAM DESTINATION; London. I lived there for 4 years and had the opportunity to see all my favourite bands live. I would be at gigs 2 or 3 nights a week. That’s living.

TOP TIP; It's better to ask forgiveness than permission. You get away with so much more!

MAKE-UP MUST HAVE; Kiehls #1 Lip Gloss.


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